Steam cleaning and shampooing carpet are not enough to fully eliminate pet stains and pet odors. Pet urine, pet vomit, and other liquids seep below the carpet and into the pad. It then absorbs or dries onto the subfloor. Pet dander and pet hair are also working its way underneath the carpet and down into the carpet pad where it sits between the two layers.
Carpet cleaning is great for immediate surface problems, but the results are often only temporary. The pet odor will gradually come back as it is absorbed by the upper layer of carpet fibers. The same can be said for pet stains. In humid climates or situations where carpet may become damp again, pet stains will be absorbed back into the upper layer of carpet and reappear.
There is absolutely no shame in admitting to being a pet lover, in short pets are actually lovely to have. But here is the thing, they are most times prone to accidents. The accident being mentioned are those little ones that can mess up your living room or even create some everlasting smell around your home. Here is the twist, if you are presently experiencing all that, then you need not worry as our team can eliminate any pet stain or odor substance found around your home. All that is required is to get in touch with us with our various channels. In addition, we shall give you some ways of eliminating pet stains/odors.
These are just a few ways you could eliminate those pet stains and some choking smell that lingers on. Once again, if you need professional services, then do not hesitate to contact us.
Don't let time and humidity bring those bad pet odors and stains back to the surface. DFW will ensure that pet odor and pet stains are eliminated at the source and do not return by thoroughly rinsing the subsurface pad hidden beneath your carpet. We do this with clean oxygenated water. Please note that there are requirements for the type of subfloor this can be applied to.
For more information about our subsurface pad pet odor and pet stain removal, give us a call at (469)759-0551. We will be happy to assist you in the remediation of cat, dog, and other pet stains and odors.