As most carpet manufacturers recommend hot water extraction, DFW Steam Cleaning uses that process 95% of the time. What is Hot Water Extraction?
Recently there has been advances made in the area of encapsulation cleaning which is a totally dry, organic method of cleaning. It's typically more expensive as it takes more time. This is not the bonnet cleaning that is typically associated with the bonnet cleaners. This is completely different.
Hot water extraction and steam cleaning are used interchangeably and mean the same thing. Carpet has a particle charge and dirt and dust have the opposite charge, so carpet will attract dirt and soils and the dirt and soils will "stick" to the fibers or put another way, there is a static electricity charge keeping the soils stuck to the fibers. To properly clean, the water temperature must be above 180 degrees Fahrenheit and this heat breaks the static barrier allowing the fibers to release the dirt and trapped soils. Many steam cleaners do not clean at this optimum temperature and therefore carpets are not as clean as they could be. DFW Steam Cleaning properly uses heat to break that static barrier making your carpets cleaner and fresher. Clean you can see and feel.
In addition, DFW Steam Cleaning also uses green chemicals and all detergents we use are rinsed, leaving your carpets residue free. We use a high speed blower while we clean to help dry your carpets more quickly. An average 6 area house, if it's not humid and the carpets are not very dirty, by the time we are done, the first room we cleaned is dry.